Steps to completing your application:


Click form(s) below to and Download and print, or complete fillable application form.

Memphis WAP Local Policies and Procedures

Permission Form - Homeowner

Permission Form - Renter

Energy Bill Release Form

TN Limited Power of Attorney Form



*Complete application and provide supporting documents such as check stubs, disability paperwork, TANF documentation, utility bill, and mortgage statement.


**Scan and email, mail, or deliver to participating drop box locations


Allow 90 days for application review, and approval or denial


*The City of Memphis WAP program gives priority to the low-income, persons with disability, and the elderly. Although these persons are priority, the program also is considered on a first come, first serve basis. Only completed applications with all supporting documents will be accepted into the program for weatherization work. In addition, homes may be deferred due to poor structural conditions.

**Applicants that have difficulty completing the applications may leave a message at 901.636.7366, and a staff person will call to provide assistance completing the application.
